Austria - Austrian-style bread dumplings (served with Austrian sauerkraut)

County: Austria


INGREDIENTS (serves 4)

• 6 stale bread rolls
• 125 ml of milk
• 1 onion
• 30 g of butter
• 2 tablespoons of chopped parsley
• 2 eggs
• Grated nutmeg
• Salt and pepper
• A little flour


Cut the bread into cubes and soak them in the hot milk.

Fry the onions in the butter and, once they are cooked, add the parsley.

Drain the bread and transfer it to a bowl. Add the eggs, grated nutmeg, salt, pepper and a little flour to improve the consistency. Allow to rest.

With damp hands, shape the mixture into 6 to 8 small balls of the same size (30 to 40 grams). Wrap them individually in plastic film, ensure they are sealed and place them in salted boiling water for 10 minutes.

last modification: 2015-07-22

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