Poland - Fillet of Baltic salmon with crème brûlée and crayfish salad
Filet z łososia bałtyckiego z kremem spalone i sałatka raki
INGREDIENTS (serves 4)
• 800 g of salmon
• 2 tonka beans
• 1 egg yolk
• Oil
• 100 g of crayfish
• 40 g of mayonnaise
• 60 g of cream
• Salt and pepper
• Finely chopped dill (or chopped parsley or chives)
Cut the salmon into 4 portions and brown them on each side in a little oil. Put to one side.
For the crème brûlée: place the tonka beans in boiling water and simmer gently for 10 to 12 minutes.
Blend them and mix in a little cream and the egg yolk. Place this mixture in ovenproof glasses
and cook at 140 °C for 12 minutes.
Serve the salmon fillets and the crayfish on a plate with the mayonnaise and the rest of the
cream on top. Season with salt and pepper, decorate with the fresh herbs and serve along with
the crème brûlée.
published: 2015-07-22