Belgium - Fried eggs, asparagus and beer syllabub with shavings of raw cow’s milk cheese and ham

County: Belgium

OEufs frits, asperges et sabayon à la bière, copeaux de fromage de vache au lait cru et jambon

INGREDIENTS (serves 4)

• 8 very fresh eggs
• 16 white asparagus stalks (Belgian)
• 10 cl of strong, hoppy lager-type beer
• 200 g of butter
• 1 lemon
• 100 g of breadcrumbs
• Shavings of raw cow’s milk cheese
• 2 slices of ham
• Vinegar
• Salt
• Chervil or finely chopped parsley for decoration


Peel and cook the asparagus until it’s al dente, place in chilled water and set aside.

Boil 4 eggs in water with salt and vinegar for 5 minutes (until they are soft), place in chilled water and peel. (To make it easier to peel them, you can put them in a freezer for about . 20 minutes first.)

Cut the ham into thin strips.

To make the syllabub

Take the remaining 4 eggs and separate the whites from the yolks. Melt the butter. Put the yolks in a saucepan over a gentle heat and add the beer, beating it briskly. Take off the heat and add the melted butter. Whip the whites to a peak and add to the syllabub to lighten it.

Roll the peeled eggs in breadcrumbs and deep fry them.

Decorate with shavings of cheese, slices of lemon and sprigs of chervil or finely chopped parsley.

last modification: 2015-07-22

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