Germany - Swabian-style roast beef with onions

County: Germany

Schwäbischer Zwiebelrostbraten

INGREDIENTS (serves 4)

• 4 rump steaks
• Olive or rapeseed oil
• 4 to 6 medium-sized onions
• 3 tablespoons of clarified butter
• 500 ml of beef stock
• 250 ml of dry red wine
• Salt and pepper
• Fresh thyme in a linen bag

To be served with sautéed potatoes and
a mixed salad.


The meat must be properly aged. It should be used at room temperature and not taken directly from the fridge before cooking.

Incisions should be made in the fat of the meat on all sides and it should be coated with oil and allowed to marinate for at least 20 minutes. While waiting, slice the onions into rings that are 2 cm thick. Heat the clarified butter in a pan and fry the onion rings. Reduce the heat, add salt and cook until they are crunchy. Then remove them from the pan, drain them and place them on kitchen paper for a few moments to remove the excess fat. Keep warm.

Without cleaning the pan, add a little oil, heat it to as high a temperature as possible and brown the meat for 3 minutes on each side. Remove the meat from the pan, place it on a plate and put it in an oven pre-heated to 90 °C for 15 to 20 minutes, so it can cook very slowly.

While the meat is in the oven, deglaze the pan with the stock and wine, adding a bunch of thyme in a linen bag. Reduce to half the quantity and keep warm.

last modification: 2015-07-22

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