Portugal - Fish and seafood cataplana

County: Portugal

Cataplana de peixe e mariscos

INGREDIENTS (serves 4)

• 600 g of different types of fish such as grouper, salmon, wolffish and burbot
• 200 g of prawns
• 120 g of clams
• 4 large mussels
• 4 tomatoes
• 1 green pepper
• 2 onions
• 0.5 dl of extra virgin olive oil
• 0.5 dl of white wine
• 1 tablespoon of brandy
• 350 g of sliced potatoes
• 2 cloves of garlic
• 1 bunch of coriander
• Salt and pepper


Cut up the tomatoes and the green pepper, slice the onion and chop the garlic.

Heat the oil in a cataplana (a typical Portuguese cooking dish) or other casserole and fry the vegetables for 3 or 4 minutes. Add half of the white wine.

Add the potatoes in overlapping layers, the fish cut into 4 cm chunks, the prawns, the clams and the mussels and then the remaining white wine, the brandy, the coriander and the salt and pepper.

Close the cataplana and cook for 15 minutes on a medium heat.

Serve with slices of toasted bread.

last modification: 2015-07-22

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