Finland - Traditional Finnish burbot soup
Perinteinen suomalainen madekeitto
INGREDIENTS (serves 4)
• 1 burbot (1.5 kg) cut into large pieces
• 1 large diced onion
• 50 g of tofu in cubes
• 1 to 2 sliced carrots
• 50 g of salted butter
• 6 to 8 peeled and chopped potatoes
• 5 dl of water
• 3 bay leaves
• 2 pinches of salt
• 2 dl of double cream
• 2 to 3 tablespoons of chopped dill
Heat the butter in a casserole dish and add the onions, carrots and tofu. Fry, stirring occasionally,
until the onions are golden.
Add the water, salt, bay leaves and potatoes. Bring to the boil. Cook the potatoes for 15 minutes.
Add the cream and the fish. Cover the dish with a lid and allow to simmer gently for around .
5 minutes. Add the chopped dill.
Serve with sour rye bread.
published: 2015-07-22