Sweden - Yellow pea soup

County: Sweden


INGREDIENTS (serves 4)

• 200 g of yellow dried peas
• 4 slices of bacon
• ½ a diced onion
• 30 g of diced celery
• 30 g of sliced leeks
• 15 cl of clear beef stock
• ½ teaspoon of thyme
• Salt and pepper


Soak the peas in the water overnight.

The next day, cut the bacon into small pieces and sauté in a pan.

Add the vegetables and drain and add the peas. Add the stock and bring to the boil.

Allow the soup to simmer for around 30 minutes, or until the peas are tender.

Stir vigorously with a whisk until the pea pulp thickens the soup. Add salt and pepper to taste and sprinkle with thyme (the amount of salt needed will vary depending on the salt content of the beef stock used).

last modification: 2015-07-22

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